Production Process

Jaggery, a traditional sweetener in many parts of the world, is produced through a simple yet effective process. First, sugarcane juice is extracted by crushing the sugarcane. This juice is then boiled in large pans until it thickens and solidifies. During this process, impurities are skimmed off the surface, resulting in a concentrated syrup. Once the syrup reaches a certain consistency, it is poured into molds to cool and solidify, forming blocks of jaggery.


The process of making jaggery is relatively simple and does not involve the use of harsh chemicals or additives, making it more environmentally friendly compared to the production of refined sugar. It is a healthier alternative to refined sugar as it retains more of the natural nutrients present in sugarcane juice, including iron, magnesium, and potassium. Jaggery has a distinct and rich flavor profile, adding depth to various dishes and beverages, and it is widely used in traditional medicine for its purported health benefits, such as improving digestion and boosting energy levels. Overall, the production and consumption of jaggery contribute to both health and sustainability.

Rajshree Natural Jaggery Powder are available in 500 Gms Packages.