Vrikshasana Benefits


In the vast garden of yoga poses, Tree Pose (Vrikshasana) stands tall as a symbol of balance,strength, and grace. This standing pose, resembling a tree with its firm roots and expansivebranches, improves physical stability and nurtures a sense of inner tranquility andconcentration. Whether you are a regular yoga practitioner or a beginner, incorporating TreePose into your practice can bring many benefits. In this blog, we'll explore the steps to perform Vrikshasana, the Tree pose, its remarkable advantages, and common misalignments to bemindful of.

How to do Vrikshasana?

  1. Start by standing tall in Tadasana (Mountain Pose), with your feet hip-width apart and your arms relaxed by your sides.

  2. While standing firmly on the ground, shift your weight to your left foot.

  3. Bend your right knee and place the sole of your right foot against your left inner thigh. If you're a beginner, you can place your foot against the left calf, avoiding the knee joint.

  4. Look at a thing directly in front of you that serves as your focal point. You can do this to keep your balance and concentration throughout the pose.

  5. Engage your core muscles to maintain stability. Press your left foot firmly into the ground while lengthening your spine and opening your chest.

  6. Bring your palms together in a prayer position at your heart center or extend your armsoverhead, like the branches of a tree.

  7. Stay in Vrikshasana Pose for 30 seconds to 1 minute, breathing deeply and evenly.

  8. Repeat the steps on the opposite side, moving your weight to the right foot and putting your left foot on the inside of your right thigh or calf. After gently releasing the posture, switch sides.

Benefits of Vrikshasana

  1. Vrikshasana Pose is a remarkable way to enhance your proprioception and balance as you root down through one foot while extending upward like a tree.

  2. Holding the pose requires concentration, which helps calm the mind and improve mental clarity.

  3. The standing leg works hard to support the body, strengthening muscles in the legs, especially the calves and thighs.

  4. As you position your foot against your inner thigh, you engage the hip muscles and improve their flexibility.

  5. Maintaining an upright posture and engaging your core muscles helps tone andstrengthen the abdominal region.

  6. When the arms are extended overhead, it opens up the shoulders and expands the chest, encouraging better posture and breathing capacity.

  7. Vrikshasana pose promotes a sense of grounding and inner peace, making it an excellent posture for stress relief and anxiety reduction.

  8. As you find stability and grace in the pose, you develop a stronger connection between your mind and body.

Areas to watch during Tree Pose:

  1. Placing the foot directly on the knee joint instead of the thigh or calf can strain the knee and lead to injury.

  2. Allowing the shoulders to round forward can disrupt the posture and limit the opening of the chest.

  3. Dropping your gaze to the floor instead of fixing it on a focal point can affect your balance and focus.


Tree Pose (Vrikshasana) is a foundational and transformative yoga pose that offers manybenefits for the body and mind. As we stand tall in this symbolic tree representation, wediscover the importance of balance, strength, and inner tranquility in our lives. Let us embracethe stillness and power of the tree pose with the Integral Yoga Institute and embark on a journey of self-discovery and growth through the practice of Vrikshasana.