Affiliated to the Council for the Indian School Certificate Examinations, New Delhi - 110 019 vide code no TN072/2015 dated 28-Sep-2015



Camping is not just an outdoor activity; it's a journey of discovery. Students have the opportunity to explore the great outdoors, connect with nature, and develop essential life skills.

Poetry under the Stars

A unique program where our grades 10 & 12 students express their thoughts through the artistry of language. Under the open sky, their poetic expressions create moments of sheer delight for the audience.

Progressive Learning Program

We invite speakers from diverse fields to share their invaluable experiences with our secondary and senior secondary students. This exchange of thoughts and ideas facilitates meaningful interactions and enriches students' knowledge.

Science Forum

A platform for grade 8 students to develop a keen interest in science, nurturing their scientific thinking and curiosity.

Theme based Assembly

Our morning assemblies foster confidence, discipline, and moral values among students. Class presentations every Friday provide a platform for students to showcase their talents, unity, and competitive spirit.

Story Nights

Our Story Nights are a blend of tradition and modernity, where students come together to share and listen to tales from around the world. It's a space where imagination knows no bounds, and stories transport students to far-off lands, deep into history, or even into the realms of fantasy.

Celebrating Diversity and Festivals

At DISHA - A Life School, we hold diversity in high esteem, fostering cultural awareness through vibrant celebrations. We take immense pride in embracing the rich tapestry of festivals our nation and the world offer. Our students not only partake in these cultural festivities but also delve into the profound reasons underlying these celebrations, instilling within them a deeper comprehension of the world around them. Throughout the academic year, we joyously commemorate a myriad of festivals, each with its unique significance and cherished traditions.

The highlight of all the celebrations is the School’s Birthday wherein a whole day of festivity with traditional attires, traditional games and with a great feast await the students.

Bagless Day

Saturdays are dedicated to extracurricular activities, club events, and competitions, providing students with opportunities to expand their horizons beyond textbooks.

3 Bagless Day

Parent Programme

We involve our prestigious stake holders - parents through various “Parent Events”. Our parents actively take part ensuring the child’s “happy journey” at school.

Student Council - The Four Houses of DISHA

We have 4 houses at the school: Raiders, Giants, Chargers and Patriots. Regular inter-house Sports and Cultural Competitions are held throughout the year which strengthens healthy competitive spirit, encourage participation and teamwork, and promote leadership development. Each house is placed under a House Master and a House Mistress, captains and vice captains in all categories who are directly responsible for the discipline and general well-being of the members of the house.